Jena Nature Calendar (2020)

The “Jena Nature Calendar” is like a photo book for the wall without a calendar. You can pass this calendar on, give it away or get it out again in a few years. The best part is: you don’t have to wait until next year to hang it up!

The thought is that I know a lot of people who can’t do anything at all with the small proforma calendarium of usual picture calendars. How often do you keep old calendars because the motifs are so beautiful? But let’s be honest: Are you really going to hang up wall calendar from 2012 again?

Spiral binding white
Paper thickness 250 g
Glossy print
DIN A3 (420 x 297 mm)
497 g

You can order the calendar in our Shop:

Since the shop is in German, feel free to write an e-mail if you have any questions or would like to place an order!