Educational video on the use of reserve antibiotics (2021)

With this educational video on the use of reserve antibiotics in farm animal husbandry, Martin Häusling, agricultural policy spokesman for the Greens/EFA group, was able to reach over 6,000 people on Facebook alone. At the beginning, archive material from other political camps underlines the importance of his point of view. On suitable pictures from the medical practice and the farm animal husbandry Martin Häusling explains the basic problem. Complex issues such as the formation of antibiotic resistance and metaphylaxis, i.e. precautionary group drug treatment, are explained visually in two animations. In an interview situation, Martin Häusling personally voices his political claims. Atmospheric music accompanies the seriousness of the subject matter. The production took place within one week.

This video explanation complements an initial social media clip on the same topic.